Anāhata, the heart chakra

The Sanskrit word “chakra” means wheel or disc, and refers to the subtle energy centers of our body.

Anāhata the heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, halfway between the lower 3 chakras and the upper 3 chakras.

It is the fourth of the seven main chakras, and the point of balance between the body and the soul, between the material and the spiritual.

Depiction of Anāhata

The Hindu tradition represents Anāhata by a blue or green lotus with 12 petals, with in its center, a yantra formed of two intertwined triangles: the triangle points upwards which represents the male principle Shiva, and the triangle points downwards which represents the female Shakti principle.

The masculine and feminine principles come together to generate balance and harmony.

Center of Love and Sensibility

This chakra, capable of releasing a benevolent energy of healing love, both towards oneself and towards others, is the source of the positive feelings of compassion, patience, peace, happiness and joy.

It is through the heart chakra that we connect with others, so it is the center of our relationships with others.

“Anāhata” means “unstruck sound” in Sanskrit. It is the sound which produces itself, which does not need anything to exist. Indeed a heartbeat exists by itself!

Seat of consciousness and creativity

The 4th chakra is the seat of the “I” and the ego, but also of the divine self (Atma), and of self-awareness in relation to others.

It is the most important energy center of the body. It integrates the emotions produced by the first three chakras and manages the more stable feelings integrated in the upper three chakras.

Anāhata is the junction point between telluric and celestial energies. This chakra is an integral part of the processes of transformation and regeneration. It activates the power of the imagination and therefore the ability to create.

Place a green or pink colored stone on your heart chakra for a few minutes to activate it!

Connections for Anāhata

The organs associated with Anāhata are the heart, lungs, hands and skin. Its element is air, which represents freedom, lightness, voluptuousness and infinity. His sense of touch, his animal the black antelope. Its mantra is Yam and its note is Fa.

How to Activate the Heart Chakra

When Anāhata is closed, we are selfish, cold, demanding. When it is overly open, we are overly expansive, or possessive, overwhelmed with desire, jealousy, sadness, and dependent in our relationships with others.

When Anāhata is well balanced, we are kind to others, and forgive easily. We feel understanding for all that is. We accept our true nature. It is an essential prerequisite to flourish and evolve in a positive way.

To activate Anāhata, you can for example:

  • Surround yourself with green and/or pink
  • spend as much time outdoors as possible
  • pay more attention to your breathing
  • let go of your problems
  • practice selfless giving to loved ones or complete strangers
  • Meditate by focusing on your heart chakra
  • chant the mantra Yam, out loud or in your head
  • The 4th chakra is activated by physical contact and hugs, whether with people or animals.
  • The incense and essential oils recommended for opening Anāhata are: lemon verbena, basil, peppermint, ylang ylang, rose, neroli, bergamot, geranium, lemon balm, eucalyptus radiata…
  • Pink or green colored stones are also effective: aventurine, amazonite, agate, jade, pink quartz.
  • In yoga, the postures of the cobra, the fish and the camel open the rib cage and are excellent for activating Anāhata.

Flower of Life

What is the Flower of Life?

The flower of life is the graphic expression of a concentration of physical laws but also of metaphysical laws.
This mandala, geometric, sacred and harmonious pattern, leads us to a reflection on the logical construction of our universe and on the interdependence of all things.
It is sacred, venerated, respected by all the traditions of the world, and its symbolic energy is powerful.
It generates a beautiful and stable shape wave. A wave of life and positive expansion that harmonizes thoughts, the environment and energizes water and food! Its regenerating vibratory power is extraordinary.

People have pondered this

Nassim Haramein is an internationally recognized physicist and cosmologist. He discovers for the first time at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt the 2D representation of the flower of life. He will later discover another representation of it in Beijing in China, in the forbidden city, another sacred site. A 3D sphere, located under the paw of the “Fu-Dog”, the “Guardian Lion” considered as the guardian of knowledge.
Leonardo da Vinci, mathematician, studies the shape of the flower of life and its mathematical properties.
It was also made popular by Drunvalo Melchizedek through his two books on “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. In it, he recounts in detail the techniques necessary to create the energy field of the evolved man.

You can download this flower of life, to print it and use it in your environment, to purify your water, your minerals, your plants, to slip under your pillow, etc…

A universal symbolic power

The flower of life has been found in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, England, Israel, India, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Switzerland..

It contains many mathematical or symbolic representations:

The 5 Platonic solids representing the 5 elements,
Metatron’s Cube
The 7 planets (the center: the Earth + the 6 centers of the second level of circles, which form the seed of life),
The 12 signs of the zodiac (the 12 centers of the 3rd level of circles),
and some of its secrets have so far remained unrevealed.

Due to its many properties, the flower of life naturally releases very powerful vibrational waves. It can be used to energize water, food, and to purify and recharge minerals.

It is also an ideal medium for meditation, because the more we contemplate it, the more our mind can grasp the mystery of divine design.

See the flower of life items and jewelry in your Arasia store

The tree of life, a mythical symbol

Aum, the original vibration

Aum (or Om) is a Sanskrit syllable. It is found in several religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, or Brahmanism.

This sound is considered to be the divine primitive vibration of the Universe which represents all existence. The original sound from which the Universe would have structured.

The AUM syllable therefore represents the totality of what exists, as well as the Hindu trinity:

 The letter A represents the beginning, the birth, and the creator god Brahma.
 The letter U represents continuation, life, and the god Vishnu
 And the letter M represents the end, death, and the destructive god Shiva.

The pronunciation of Aum is sometimes described as follows: first A emerges from the back of the throat, towards the palate, then U rolls on the tongue and M ends on the lips.

A symbolizes wakefulness, U, dream, M, sleep. Awakening corresponds to the fourth step: silence, departure and rebirth of Being.

This is the first syllable of the famous Aum Mani Padme Hum mantra.

See our Om or Aum items in your Arasia store

The third eye or 6th chakra

The third eye corresponds according to oriental traditions to the sixth chakra. It is found in various cultures and religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and most meditative practices.


People of India often wear on their foreheads a bindi, bindu or tikal, which symbolizes and materializes the third eye, and its Sanskrit name is “Ajn”.

But what really is the third eye?

Look Inside

The third eye is a mystical and esoteric metaphor for the inner gaze, beyond the physical eyes, and more generally for the spiritual awakening.

It is located on the forehead, between the two eyes. It’s the other look, the real look, that of knowing yourself and the world around you. It would also be the centre of the soul.

Pineal gland

The third eye scientifically corresponds to the pineal gland, epiphysis, which is connected to the nose, ears, and the nervous system. It is connected to the hypothalamus, the “heart” of our brain.

The seat of intuition

When its functioning is optimal, the third eye is the source of many gifts and capacities: increased perceptions, clairvoyance, and intense intuition.

We find our ability to make clear choices, and to know what we really want in our life. We are “inspired”.

When this chakra is not functional, we are unfortunately more
egocentric, interested and frightened. We stay focused on our habits and our security without any real possibility of evolution. We cannot calmly accept the vagaries of existence.

Opening of consciousness

Opening the third eye raises awareness, and we become more lucid. We then better understand the thrue essence of the human being, and the meaning of life and death.

How to activate the third eye?

Its proper functioning would be degraded by the heavy metals accumulated in our body, such as fluorine and calcium. But to activate the third eye there are several methods, you can for example:

  • place an intense blue color stone, like a sodalite,
  • massage it with a drop of essential oil of dill, immortelle or palmarosa.
  • You can also place an indigo blue or purple Tesla Plate in the center of your forehead.
  • just materialize it with a bindi

So, are you ready to open your third eye and activate your inner sun?

The tree of life: this mythical symbol

The tree of life is a powerful and ancient symbol, present in many cultures.

The Tree of Life is often depicted within a circle. The circle is the perfect shape that represents consciousness, as well as the unity of life, which is the cell. The circle is also the basic element of the Flower of Life.

The Tree of Life represents the continuity of evolution and the symbolic connection between all forms of creation, like a vast planetary family tree. It is protective and a provider of sustenance.

The tree of knowledge connects the underground world, represented by the roots, with the heavenly world, represented by the branches.

The tree is a symbol present in many religions, mythologies and philosophies.

According to Christianity, the tree is present in the garden of Eden, it is the symbol of eternal life and the knowledge of good and evil.

The same notion of an immortal tree is found in Islam and in Judaism. Placed in the middle of Paradise, it loses its leaves every winter and these grow back in the following spring (representation of the eternal cycle of seasons and life).

According to Buddhism, ‘Açvattha’ is a sacred fig tree: it is under this tree that Buddha meditated and acquired wisdom.

Among the Hindus, the universe takes the form of an overturned tree: it’s roots start from the sky, and its branches and leaves cover the earth. The sacred tree of Hindus is the Akshayavat, “the eternal banyan“, a remarkable example of divine power, for this tree would be indestructible. It would be located within the ramparts of Fort Allahabad, at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna River.

In Chinese mythology, ‘Kien-mou’ is the sacred tree that connects the nine sources (stay of the dead) to the nine heavens. Thanks to him, the sovereigns pass from heaven to earth and vice versa. They are temporary substitutes for the sun to manage life on earth.

The tree of life, a mythical symbol, is considered a lucky charm, a talisman that reminds us of where we come from and where we go (we come from Earth to rise to the Heavens).

The tree is charged with symbolism and imbued with divine essence, and with the spark of life that allows it to grow.

It is a very recurrent symbol on jewelry, and ARASIA-SHOP hangings for its spiritual aspect, but it is also because very aesthetic.

We offer many products wonderfully decorated with trees of life like draperies, pendants, etc …

Plant a tree with Arasia and Planet Urgence.

The Yin Yang symbol

the yin yang symbol
Yin Yang is one of the fundamental symbols of China philosophy

Yin and Yang are the most well-known and fundamental symbol of Chinese philosophy: it expresses the duality through which the universe manifests itself.

Designates the two relative, opposite and complementary poles that characterize each facet of life, for example: shadow and light, the visible and the invisible, the material and the spiritual, self and others…

Perpetual Motion

Yin contains Yang and Yang contains Yin, they are inseparable and one does not exist without the other.

Yin becomes Yang and Yang becomes Yin, nothing is fixed and everything is transformed.

These two relative and mobile principles guarantee the balance of the world, harmony and the universe.

Yin and Yang

Yin Yang is a practical tool for describing and observing the world.

Yin is the black part of the symbol and represents the feminine, the night, the moon, the cold, rest, stillness and the unconscious.

These concepts are qualified as yin in relation to their opposite concepts:

Yang, the white part represents energy, day, sun, masculine, summer, heat, mobility, consciousness.

Yin is calm and Yang is agitation; Yin is the seed and Yang is the fruit.

Arasia-Shop offers a selection of yin yang products: hangings, rings, incense doors, necklaces … Take a look here

To go further: The五行 Wǔ Xíng or the Five elements

The五行Wǔ Xíng or the Five elements

The wuxing are in China, the five (wu) elements (xing) : an extensive classification system which determines all the elements and phenomena both at a cosmic level than at a human level.

The Five elements (or phases or movements) – along with the fundamental concept of yin and yang and the active principle Qi –make up the core of the traditional Chinese philosophy.

To each of those elements is associated a color, a music note, an organ, a cardinal point, a season, an emotion, etc.

The conceptual scheme of the five elements attempts to give a deep spiritual meaning of the world’s mechanisms and the cycles of life and of the universe. Every existing thing is subjected to the cycles of life and the universe’s and cycles of life and destruction.

THE YANG CYCLE (Generating / Creation):

Wood feeds Fire, Fire feeds Earth, Earth generates Metal, Metal creates Water, Water creates Wood.

THE YIN CYCLE (domination / destruction) :

The Wood chokes the Earth, The Earth dries the Water, The Water extinguishes the Fire, The Fire melts the Metal, The Metal slices the Wood.

The Five elements have a certain order. First come the Metal (jin), then the Wood (mu), then the Water (shui), then the Fire (huo) then the Earth (tu).

Those 5 elements interact, complete each other and exist simultaneously together within the cycles of destruction and creation.

The wuxing are defined as raw natural material, each with their own intrinsic dynamic playing a part in the grand scheme of things.

Thus, it is in the Water’s intrinsic nature to flow (downwards) and to wet. It the Fire’s intrinsic nature to rise (upwards) and to burn, the Wood can lie flat or stand tall, the Metal is docile and takes any form its given, the Earth’s primary essence is to be suitable for cultivation and harvesting.

The Chinese theory of the five elements thus succeeded to unify a multitude of different phenomena, to establish inter-relations between them and give them a deep and meaningful meaning within the universe. The constants flows between the elements are to be equilibrated and their energies balanced to prevent any disruption.

If one element is in excess, its energy will weaken or increase excessively its opposite element. For instance, the excess of energy of the Metal will exhaustthe Wood’s energy and disproportionately raise the Water’s energy.

The right proportion of each elements is primordial to the balance of the universe and the nature’s harmony.

In the ancient art of feng shui, we optimize the wuxing to enhance the flow of chi in living spaces.

Historical facts:

It appears that the Chinese dynasties have succeeded one another following the succession of the 5 elements or phases. And, each time a new emperor acceded to the throne, heaven sends a good omen to the men.

Therefore, during the Yellow emperor ascension giant earthworms and ants appeared in the sky so the Han dynasty was associated whit the element Earth. Afterwards, the Xia dynasty was associated with the Wood, the Zhou dynasty with the Fire and so on and so forth.

The significance of the lotus

The lotus is an aquatic plant with blue, pink, purple or white flowers that is similar to the water lily.

Emerging from the mud, it rises towards the light and thus represents elevation and spiritual realization.


The lotus (padma in Sanskrit) is the sacred flower of Buddhism and Hinduism and its symbolism is rich and powerful.

According to Buddhist tradition, when the Buddha walked, lotus flowers bloomed…

Brahma, the creator God of the Hindus is said to have been born in a lotus. This flower is the symbol of the origin of the manifestation of life.

It also often serves as a throne for the deities.

In India

A symbol of beauty, purity and elegance, it is also the national flower of India.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, is an architectural curiosity in the shape of a lotus flower about to bloom. It aims to be universal and open to all religions. No particular ritual is performed there, but people simply come to meditate in silence and with an open heart.


In yoga, the lotus posture (padmasana) is a symbol of meditation and awakening. Like a lotus, a novice person is mired in the materiality of the world. But as she progresses in yoga, she has the opportunity to open up beautifully.

In this posture, the arrangement of the arms and legs evokes the petals of a lotus. This position calms the mind and awakens the divine energy that lies dormant within us.

Lotus mudra

The lotus mudra, to be done at the heart level, is excellent for helping us feel the warmth of existence. This mudra called the lotus flower opens our heart to universal love.

The lotus symbolizes the heart where the divine sits, as well as the chakras, which are also called the lotuses, or the wheels. The wheel is a stylized lotus, where everything starts from the center and returns to the center.

Arasia Shop offers you natural white lotus incense

And the mandala or lotus flower puzzle

And many other products on the theme of the lotus…