Yoga: Reconnect with yourself, to meet the challenge of modern times!

Access to a better self-knowledge through Yoga:
Discovery and exploration of his body, his breath, and appeasement of the mind.

Yoga, an ancestral practice, can be defined as a dive into oneself, with the aim of balancing and unifying our whole being (Body-Soul-Spirit), thanks to the different body postures (Asanas) and breathing (Pranayama ) conscious.

Find the divine within you.

The original meaning of the Sanskrit word Yoga (योग) is “union with God”: the primary goal of yoga is the union of the individual Self with the Universal Self.

Discipline born in India, in the Harrapan valley around 2250 BC. J.C, Yoga would be a gift offered to humanity by the God Shiva, through Matsyendra, the little fish who became human, and who was the first yogi of all time.

The many benefits of yoga

Regular practice quickly brings about a real inner and outer transformation. With the harmonization of the body/mind/breath system, we feel a balance and serenity that increase our confidence in ourselves and in the universe. At the same time, our relationships with others improve.

Yoga improves general well-being, and vital energy, it enriches our lives, a bit like spiritual nourishment!

The more one progresses in the practice, the more one gains in strength and physical and mental health, and experiences more satisfaction in the practice and in everyday life.

The many benefits include:

  • Strengthening of all muscle chains
  • Flexibility, Better endurance
  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Improved concentration, clearer mind
  • Openness to others and to spiritual evolution

Yoga is not only gymnastics but a holistic practice, that is to say, it conceives the human being in its entirety.

The practice does not stop with the end of the session, and the benefits are felt in all aspects of your life.

With the awareness of oneness of self with all things, we sharpen our ecological commitment, for we understand that Gaia is sacred, and that she needs each of us.

To go further in practice, we modify the quality of our diet, it becomes healthier and more balanced.

We experience more pleasure in daily discipline and self-transcendence: the flexibility of the body becomes flexibility of the mind!

The practice of yoga has become beneficial and essential for many. It will lead you to greater harmony in your life!

Yoga, a universal and adaptable discipline, is accessible to all.
Its many forms are now practiced daily.
by millions of people around the world!

Flower of Life

What is the Flower of Life?

The flower of life is the graphic expression of a concentration of physical laws but also of metaphysical laws.
This mandala, geometric, sacred and harmonious pattern, leads us to a reflection on the logical construction of our universe and on the interdependence of all things.
It is sacred, venerated, respected by all the traditions of the world, and its symbolic energy is powerful.
It generates a beautiful and stable shape wave. A wave of life and positive expansion that harmonizes thoughts, the environment and energizes water and food! Its regenerating vibratory power is extraordinary.

People have pondered this

Nassim Haramein is an internationally recognized physicist and cosmologist. He discovers for the first time at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt the 2D representation of the flower of life. He will later discover another representation of it in Beijing in China, in the forbidden city, another sacred site. A 3D sphere, located under the paw of the “Fu-Dog”, the “Guardian Lion” considered as the guardian of knowledge.
Leonardo da Vinci, mathematician, studies the shape of the flower of life and its mathematical properties.
It was also made popular by Drunvalo Melchizedek through his two books on “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. In it, he recounts in detail the techniques necessary to create the energy field of the evolved man.

You can download this flower of life, to print it and use it in your environment, to purify your water, your minerals, your plants, to slip under your pillow, etc…

A universal symbolic power

The flower of life has been found in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, England, Israel, India, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Switzerland..

It contains many mathematical or symbolic representations:

The 5 Platonic solids representing the 5 elements,
Metatron’s Cube
The 7 planets (the center: the Earth + the 6 centers of the second level of circles, which form the seed of life),
The 12 signs of the zodiac (the 12 centers of the 3rd level of circles),
and some of its secrets have so far remained unrevealed.

Due to its many properties, the flower of life naturally releases very powerful vibrational waves. It can be used to energize water, food, and to purify and recharge minerals.

It is also an ideal medium for meditation, because the more we contemplate it, the more our mind can grasp the mystery of divine design.

See the flower of life items and jewelry in your Arasia store

The tree of life, a mythical symbol

The law of attraction, or how to attract all your desires to you!

The law of attraction is one of the fundamental laws of the universe. It works in all areas of our lives: money, health, relationships, work, etc.

How does this law work, and how can we apply it in our daily lives to benefit from its magical benefits?

It’s actually very simple: our thoughts and emotions emit electromagnetic waves. We attract what we think about, just like a magnet. We are the creators of our lives.

Our thoughts manifest in our life to become our reality.

In practice :

The first thing is to sincerely believe that this law exists. Then manifest gratitude and abundant joy for and toward the universe. Because it is still extraordinary to be alive and to be able to feel so much happiness! Our luck to be who we are and to have everything we have is extraordinary. We must be aware of this.
Then think about what you really want in your life. Put it in writing, in the present, and in the positive as if you had already obtained it. (“I’m buying a new wardrobe”, “I’m fulfilled”, “I’m healthy”, and no negative phrases like “I don’t want to get sick”).
Do not doubt your choices… Relax, stop worrying, and let go!
Then each day visualize that you already have everything you aspire to. Create a mental image, it is the language that the universe captures best.
Little by little, if we really know what we want, and by concentrating as much as possible on the positive side of things, we profoundly transform our way of thinking and therefore the reality of our life.
Joy and abundance, as well as all their extraordinary effects, will then replace the limiting beliefs (eg, I cannot afford to buy this or that; my health does not allow me to practice this or that sport, etc. ), and old negative patterns in our lives.
In the film “The Secret”, several specialists from various backgrounds express themselves and develop around the law of attraction. This secret has been well known to certain groups for hundreds or even thousands of years, but it has often been well hidden. Nowadays we are witnessing the emergence of more and more “connected” human beings, more spiritual and who seek to raise their vibratory rate: The “secret” is now accessible to a greater number of individuals!

Arasia: practice meditation

The benefits of Meditation

Meditation: between tradition and renewal …

Long regarded as the preserve of the wise meditation is associated with the image of the great spiritual masters, be they religious or philosophers.
Yet today, meditation is becoming more democratic: all time widespread in the East, the schools of meditation also flourish in the West and its benefits for the physical, moral and mental health are increasingly well known and recognized.

To each his own experience!

Sometimes witty, sometimes secular, the practice of meditation is always based on a technique: it is possible to meditate on an object, a thought, an action, on breathing, on his feelings or just on yourself … To each to his own experience and find out what works best for them: most of achieving focus its attention in order to appease them, to develop a better sense of yourself … and the universe!

A time out of time, a time to live better.

Practicing meditation is to give yourself valuable time: a time out of time to connect to its own power source.
If you practice meditation regularly, it will be easier every day to connect to this inexhaustible source in order to draw the life force needed to act and exist in the world.

flower of life -Arasia

Tibetan bowl: how to make it sing?

The Tibetan bowl is traditionally used for prayer, meditation as well as for holistic therapeutic treatments (healing by sounds).

Their popularity is due to the remarkable sound they produce. They have been an integral part of Asian culture for centuries.

The best singing bowls are from the Dharamsala region in India, and are made of a seven metals alloy: bronze, copper, tin, zinc, iron, silver and gold, which corresponds to the seven planets of the solar system, seven chakras … etc.

Pure sound with harmonizing properties

A Tibetan bowl can produce two distinct sounds:

-The first sound is the easiest to make. It is obtained by tapping the bowl once with the stick in a flexible but firm manner.
-The second sound requires more agility, it is the “singing” of the bowl itself. It is obtained by circular friction of the stick around the bowl.

This sound, incredibly rich and beautiful, is in fact a harmonic (several notes) sometimes complex, and which is characteristic of each bowl.

How to make your Tibetan bowl sing?

If you are right-handed, place the Tibetan bowl flat on your left hand which must remain flexible. Fingertips should not touch the bowl. Hold the stick with your right hand. Start by gently and gently giving one or more small taps on the outside of the bowl to make it ring.

Then rotate the stick around the outer edge of the bowl, pressing more or less firmly on the bowl. You have to try to catch the sound with the stick, and manage to keep it with a regular rotating movement.

Fans of music and dexterity games will be in paradise! Also note that the smaller the bowl, the more difficult it is to make it sing, but after a little practice, you will obtain a very pure sound which has curative, purifying and calming properties.

The simple act of ringing your bowl is a meditation in itself, because you have to center yourself and be in the present moment (listening).

Arasia Tibetan bowls

All our bowls are sold with their stick which is covered in felt for a softer sound.

Our singing bowls can be simple or decorated with spiritual motifs and symbols (the mantra Om mani padme hum, or images of Buddha).

Arasia offers you handmade Tibetan bowls in Benares, the sacred city of India, as well as cushions for Tibetan bowls.


Don’t wait for the change, be it.

For the past decades, we’ve experienced a growing awareness worldwide regarding our resources : the society as we know it is a limited model.

The truth is, we consume resources faster than the planet generates them and the volume of toxic waste is increasing.

Fortunately, more and more initiatives are taking place, which is why today there are so many more eco-friendly avenues to build a greener future for the planet.

The sharing economy, carpooling, urban gardens, everything local or organic or fair, green and renewable energy, eco- villages, waste recycling …

These alternative lifestyles reposition the welfare of people as human beings at the center of concerns.

Today, we are seeing a real return to the sources and the taste of simplicity is found.

Educate yourself, act in your neighborhood, and remember: the world changes if I change!
It’s contagious !

The Laws of Karma

Karma is a key concept in many religions and Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

Karma is the result of consequences of our past, present and future. It is a cause-effect cycle.

In life, our experiences are the result of our own actions and thoughts.

We are responsible for our karma, and to improve it, it is essential to act with positive intentions and compassion.

The most important is the intention of our actions, in other words if you do commit a negative action unintentionally, the karmic consequences will be lessened.

Good intentions lead to pleasant outcomes and eventually happiness and bad intentions lead to unpleasant outcomes and thus misery.

Karma is the seed that you plant: you reap what you sow!

This is the law of cause and effect and retribution for our actions!

Principles to cleanse your karma:

be thankful
act with love
watch your attitude
examine your motivations
forgive others
