The Feng Shui: Harmonizing Energy in Your Living Spaces

According to Asian philosophies in general, and Feng Shui in particular, everything is interconnected. Myself, my inner environment, is therefore intimately linked to my outer environment. My house is a reflection of my deep self, and vice versa.

Definition of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition of arrangement, a way of living, which utilizes the 5 elements (the Wuxing) and the relationships that exist between them to create better harmony in a given space (home, office, room…) with the aim of improving our lives.

Feng Shui proposes modifying the decoration to transform the 9 areas of our lives, which are: wealth, reputation, love, career, health and family, knowledge, projects and children, external relations (aid and travel), the last area being Self, the center and the Earth.

“Feng” means “Wind,” and “Shui” means “Water.”

Feng Shui provides us with the means to tame and optimize chi (the vital energy circulating in the universe) and to dispel sha (the opposite of chi), which is the negative vibration generated by disorder, clutter, broken objects, dust, dirt…

The Principles of Feng Shui

The basic principle calls for simple common sense: clean, organize, sort, and get rid of all objects that are too old or unnecessary. When you adopt this attitude, it quickly results in a gain of time and space, as well as a feeling of well-being and lightness!

Another key principle of Feng Shui is to balance yin and yang in a given space to harmonize the energies circulating there. Play with the subtle interplay of opposites: visible-invisible, empty-full, heavy-light, small-large, light-shadow…

The yin yang is one of the fundamental symbols of traditional Chinese thought.

Feng Shui also teaches us to find the right place for furniture and objects and make the most of the energies they emit. To do this, you first need to establish the “energy map” of the space to harmonize.

How to proceed?

  • Start by dividing the space, or spaces to harmonize, into 9 sectors following the Feng Shui square model.
  • Each sector corresponds to a domain of your life; place one or more objects corresponding to the element of the sector you want to improve (examples: to improve love, place red objects, triangles… in the love sector; to improve career, place flat or curved objects, gray or black in color, in the career sector…)
  • Play with light and shadow, shapes and colors, objects, materials, plants, fountains… to balance the energies (use Feng Shui tools to help you).

Feng Shui Tools

To guide you in the science or art of Feng Shui, Arasia offers you various tools:

  • the Feng Shui Square, beautifully called in Chinese “the diagram of the 9 palaces”!
  • The correspondence table of the Wuxing (the 5 Chinese elements)
  • The diagram of the relationships existing between the Wuxing.
The Feng Shui square, or Lo Shu square, or diagram of the 9 palaces: It is appropriate to place the entrance door of the house (or the room you want to harmonize) on the north axis of the Feng Shui square.
Attention, according to Chinese tradition, north is south and east is west!
The correspondence table of the 5 elements (or wuxing) helps you classify different objects according to the element they belong to, based on their shape, color, or material.
Each Chinese element generates another element and dominates another element. These are the cycles of creation and destruction.
For example, wood generates fire. But water destroys fire.

Adopt good habits

  • Avoid mirrors facing doors, windows, and beds, as they repel energy.
  • Maintain plants and keep them healthy.
  • Clean windows regularly as they symbolize our view of the world.
  • Do not clutter the entrance and always keep it tidy as it represents opportunities. For example, you can place a mirror and plants there.
  • Do not place objects under beds.
  • Avoid “poison arrows”: beams (especially above a bed or sofa), protruding corners, cacti, and keep knives and scissors tidy.
  • Lower the toilet seat, close the toilet and bathroom doors when not in use.
  • Get rid of broken, chipped, or unnecessary items…
  • Surround yourself with objects that will have a beneficial effect on you and attract what you desire. For example, vacation photos if you want to go on vacation, or pictures of loved ones if you want to be in a relationship.

Now it’s your turn!

Remember, like everything that is vibration and energy, nothing is fixed, and everything can be subject to interpretation. Absolutely nothing is imposed! So, use your intuition and feelings to find what suits you best. Take this opportunity to develop your third eye!

Above all, go at your own pace, making small successive improvements!

Flower of Life

What is the Flower of Life?

The flower of life is the graphic expression of a concentration of physical laws but also of metaphysical laws.
This mandala, geometric, sacred and harmonious pattern, leads us to a reflection on the logical construction of our universe and on the interdependence of all things.
It is sacred, venerated, respected by all the traditions of the world, and its symbolic energy is powerful.
It generates a beautiful and stable shape wave. A wave of life and positive expansion that harmonizes thoughts, the environment and energizes water and food! Its regenerating vibratory power is extraordinary.

People have pondered this

Nassim Haramein is an internationally recognized physicist and cosmologist. He discovers for the first time at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt the 2D representation of the flower of life. He will later discover another representation of it in Beijing in China, in the forbidden city, another sacred site. A 3D sphere, located under the paw of the “Fu-Dog”, the “Guardian Lion” considered as the guardian of knowledge.
Leonardo da Vinci, mathematician, studies the shape of the flower of life and its mathematical properties.
It was also made popular by Drunvalo Melchizedek through his two books on “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. In it, he recounts in detail the techniques necessary to create the energy field of the evolved man.

You can download this flower of life, to print it and use it in your environment, to purify your water, your minerals, your plants, to slip under your pillow, etc…

A universal symbolic power

The flower of life has been found in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, England, Israel, India, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Switzerland..

It contains many mathematical or symbolic representations:

The 5 Platonic solids representing the 5 elements,
Metatron’s Cube
The 7 planets (the center: the Earth + the 6 centers of the second level of circles, which form the seed of life),
The 12 signs of the zodiac (the 12 centers of the 3rd level of circles),
and some of its secrets have so far remained unrevealed.

Due to its many properties, the flower of life naturally releases very powerful vibrational waves. It can be used to energize water, food, and to purify and recharge minerals.

It is also an ideal medium for meditation, because the more we contemplate it, the more our mind can grasp the mystery of divine design.

See the flower of life items and jewelry in your Arasia store

The tree of life, a mythical symbol

The tree of life: this mythical symbol

The tree of life is a powerful and ancient symbol, present in many cultures.

The Tree of Life is often depicted within a circle. The circle is the perfect shape that represents consciousness, as well as the unity of life, which is the cell. The circle is also the basic element of the Flower of Life.

The Tree of Life represents the continuity of evolution and the symbolic connection between all forms of creation, like a vast planetary family tree. It is protective and a provider of sustenance.

The tree of knowledge connects the underground world, represented by the roots, with the heavenly world, represented by the branches.

The tree is a symbol present in many religions, mythologies and philosophies.

According to Christianity, the tree is present in the garden of Eden, it is the symbol of eternal life and the knowledge of good and evil.

The same notion of an immortal tree is found in Islam and in Judaism. Placed in the middle of Paradise, it loses its leaves every winter and these grow back in the following spring (representation of the eternal cycle of seasons and life).

According to Buddhism, ‘Açvattha’ is a sacred fig tree: it is under this tree that Buddha meditated and acquired wisdom.

Among the Hindus, the universe takes the form of an overturned tree: it’s roots start from the sky, and its branches and leaves cover the earth. The sacred tree of Hindus is the Akshayavat, “the eternal banyan“, a remarkable example of divine power, for this tree would be indestructible. It would be located within the ramparts of Fort Allahabad, at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna River.

In Chinese mythology, ‘Kien-mou’ is the sacred tree that connects the nine sources (stay of the dead) to the nine heavens. Thanks to him, the sovereigns pass from heaven to earth and vice versa. They are temporary substitutes for the sun to manage life on earth.

The tree of life, a mythical symbol, is considered a lucky charm, a talisman that reminds us of where we come from and where we go (we come from Earth to rise to the Heavens).

The tree is charged with symbolism and imbued with divine essence, and with the spark of life that allows it to grow.

It is a very recurrent symbol on jewelry, and ARASIA-SHOP hangings for its spiritual aspect, but it is also because very aesthetic.

We offer many products wonderfully decorated with trees of life like draperies, pendants, etc …

Plant a tree with Arasia and Planet Urgence.