Yoga: Reconnect with yourself, to meet the challenge of modern times!

Access to a better self-knowledge through Yoga:
Discovery and exploration of his body, his breath, and appeasement of the mind.

Yoga, an ancestral practice, can be defined as a dive into oneself, with the aim of balancing and unifying our whole being (Body-Soul-Spirit), thanks to the different body postures (Asanas) and breathing (Pranayama ) conscious.

Find the divine within you.

The original meaning of the Sanskrit word Yoga (योग) is “union with God”: the primary goal of yoga is the union of the individual Self with the Universal Self.

Discipline born in India, in the Harrapan valley around 2250 BC. J.C, Yoga would be a gift offered to humanity by the God Shiva, through Matsyendra, the little fish who became human, and who was the first yogi of all time.

The many benefits of yoga

Regular practice quickly brings about a real inner and outer transformation. With the harmonization of the body/mind/breath system, we feel a balance and serenity that increase our confidence in ourselves and in the universe. At the same time, our relationships with others improve.

Yoga improves general well-being, and vital energy, it enriches our lives, a bit like spiritual nourishment!

The more one progresses in the practice, the more one gains in strength and physical and mental health, and experiences more satisfaction in the practice and in everyday life.

The many benefits include:

  • Strengthening of all muscle chains
  • Flexibility, Better endurance
  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Improved concentration, clearer mind
  • Openness to others and to spiritual evolution

Yoga is not only gymnastics but a holistic practice, that is to say, it conceives the human being in its entirety.

The practice does not stop with the end of the session, and the benefits are felt in all aspects of your life.

With the awareness of oneness of self with all things, we sharpen our ecological commitment, for we understand that Gaia is sacred, and that she needs each of us.

To go further in practice, we modify the quality of our diet, it becomes healthier and more balanced.

We experience more pleasure in daily discipline and self-transcendence: the flexibility of the body becomes flexibility of the mind!

The practice of yoga has become beneficial and essential for many. It will lead you to greater harmony in your life!

Yoga, a universal and adaptable discipline, is accessible to all.
Its many forms are now practiced daily.
by millions of people around the world!

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