Stones and Lithotherapy: Myths, Realities, and Exploration of Ancient Wisdom

Stones, these gems of the Earth, have fascinated humanity for millennia. Beyond their aesthetic beauty, they are believed to possess beneficial properties for the soul, mind, and body.

In this article, I invite you to delve into the mystical world of stones, to explore the foundations of lithotherapy, and to attempt to answer the popular question you often ask me: Do stones really work?

Geodes are particularly admired for their beauty and energetic properties. They form over time within rock cavities.

I. The Foundations of Lithotherapy

Ancient Origins

Lithotherapy, although often associated with New Age movements from the 1960s, has its roots in much older traditions and civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans. For millennia, humanity has attributed specific powers to stones and used them in rituals and healing practices.

Les pointes de quartz fumé sont des cristaux qui ont subi une irradiation naturelle dans la croûte terrestre. Certains pratiquants en méditation les utilisent pour aider à ancrer et équilibrer leurs énergies dans la Terre, et pour favoriser la clarté mentale.

Basic Principles of Lithotherapy

Lithotherapy is based on the idea that stones and crystals emit energetic vibrations that influence the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of individuals, and even of animals and plants.

Since the discoveries of Albert Einstein, Tesla, and the field of quantum physics, it is widely accepted that the world we live in is primarily energetic and vibrational in nature.

Each stone, therefore, emits its own frequency of resonance, which is associated with specific benefits and particular virtues.

For example, amethyst is linked to spirituality, rose quartz is associated with love, and yellow calcite promotes enthusiasm and motivation.

Stones can be classified by family (quartz, agate, jasper…), by color, chemical composition, or crystalline structure.

Each stone shape carries its own symbolic potential and is associated with specific energetic properties:

Represents unity, balanced energy, and wholeness. The sphere emits energy evenly in all directions.

A symbol of fertility, creativity, and potential. It is associated with feminine energy, transformation, and evolution.

A rock cavity in which crystals naturally form. It represents the idea of inner discovery, hidden beauty, and protection.

An aggregation of crystals that emits harmonious energy. It promotes communication and the sharing of positive energies.

Used to direct energy toward a specific goal.

A symbol of stability, grounding, and spiritual elevation.

Tumbled Stone:
A polished, smooth stone that is easy to carry. It is often used for meditation, to be placed in a pocket, under a pillow, or as a good luck talisman.

Symbolizes love, compassion, and openness. It fosters relationships with others and enhances self-esteem.

A single point that channels energy. It is used for meditation, healing, or focusing energy.

Color Symbolism

A rich visual language full of meanings and nuances, colors transcend linguistic barriers and have acquired specific connotations throughout history and traditions. They evoke emotions and ideas within us, which can vary according to culture or personal experience.

From the vibrant red symbolizing passion to the serenity of blue, the freshness of green, and the purity of white, explore the symbolism of colors and discover how they enrich our lives and the world around us.

Red: Energy, passion, vitality.
Blue: Calm, serenity, communication.
Green: Balance, growth, nature.
Yellow: Joy, optimism, radiance.
Purple: Spirituality, intuition, creativity.
Black: Power, elegance, mystery.
White: Purity, clarity, peace.

Correspondence with Chakras

According to lithotherapy, each stone is associated with one or more chakras (energy centers in the body, according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions) based on its dominant color. Placing a stone on the corresponding chakra is believed to have the power to balance and harmonize the vital energy within it.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Red: Stability, security
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Orange: Creativity, sexuality, passion
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Yellow: Personal power, confidence, willpower
Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Green or Pink: Love, compassion, harmony
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Light Blue: Communication, self-expression
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Indigo: Intuition, clairvoyance, inner wisdom
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Purple or White: Spirituality, divine connection

Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of a stone plays a role in its properties, with examples like calcite, rich in calcium, suggesting potential benefits for calcium absorption, and consequently, bone and dental health. Similarly, fluorite contains fluoride, and magnesite contains magnesium, influencing the specific properties of these stones.

Stones and minerals are composed of various chemical elements found on Earth, which also make up our bodies. For example, pyrite and hematite contain iron, and quartz contains silica.

II. The Benefits of Stones: Do They Really Work?

While many lithotherapy enthusiasts report experiencing its benefits, science remains skeptical about its true effectiveness.

Placebo Effect?

The placebo effect occurs when a person’s condition improves due to their belief in the effectiveness of a treatment, even though the treatment itself has no real therapeutic effect. Positive expectations and “belief” are often the actual cause of the observed well-being.

Or Power of the Mind?

The state of mind plays a key role in how we perceive our bodies and environment, greatly influencing healing abilities. Positive thinking, focusing on a goal, meditation, and the law of attraction all demonstrate the mind’s ability to affect our reality and perception of the body.

A Tool for Personal Development

Do not consider lithotherapy as a miracle solution to all problems, but rather as an aid on the path of personal growth, a gentle guide that accompanies us towards greater well-being.

I Am the Key to Change

Profound and real change can ultimately only come from within each of us. Stones may assist in facilitating the path of evolution, but they do not replace personal responsibility or inner work.

Defining Your Needs

Before reaching a more fulfilling and meaningful life, you must embark on an inner journey of introspection, which will prove to be both challenging and rewarding. Here’s how this personal work might unfold:

  • A thorough examination of your thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and motivations.
  • Recognizing, understanding, and learning to manage your emotions.
  • Identifying areas of your life that need adjustments (habits, attitudes, relationship patterns, etc.).
  • Setting clear and achievable personal goals, related to career, relationships, health, etc.
  • Developing new skills (listening, communication, letting go, etc.).
  • Integrating wellness practices (meditation, physical exercise, balanced diet, etc.).

For each potential improvement you identify, you can match it to the corresponding chakra, then choose the stone or stone jewelry that will support you in your journey toward achieving the set goal.

Recommended Stones for Each Chakra (adapt these suggestions to your personal feelings):
1st Chakra: Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Black Tourmaline.
2nd Chakra: Carnelian, Peach Moonstone, Orange Calcite.
3rd Chakra: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Imperial Topaz.
4th Chakra: Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Malachite.
5th Chakra: Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Chalcedony.
6th Chakra: Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Blue Fluorite, Sapphire.
7th Chakra: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite, Howlite.

This introspection can be done independently, with the support of stones, for example, or with the help of a life coach or therapist.

It will lead you to insights and a deep understanding of who you truly are and what you desire in your life.

Willpower as a Driver of Growth

The will to change and to make efforts can be a powerful catalyst for transformation:

  • Self-Discipline: The ability to set goals and work consistently to achieve them.
  • Motivation: A deep inner desire for personal improvement (rather than external pressures).
  • Resilience: The ability to bounce back in the face of adversity and challenges.
  • Patience: Perseverance, understanding that results are rarely immediate.
  • Flexibility: Be open to adjusting your path and new ideas. Recognize that no one is perfect and that excessive perfectionism can be counterproductive.
  • Focus: Concentrate our attention and measure progress.
  • Continuous Learning: Documenting, reading, seeking advice and mentors.

It’s often a demanding journey, but one rich in rewards. Stones can be allies in this process, but the key lies in how we choose to use these tools and apply these changes in our lives.

Testimonials and Personal Experiences

Personal experiences with lithotherapy vary considerably. Here are some testimonials from my own experience and from those I’ve discussed it with:

  • Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: Stones can bring a sense of calm and relaxation, particularly amazonite, howlite, amethyst, and labradorite.
  • Improvement of Energy: Certain stones, like yellow fluorite, carnelian, or clear quartz, can boost energy and vitality.
  • Aid for Meditation: Some crystals can facilitate meditation and enhance spiritual awareness (amethyst, ametrine, lapis lazuli).
  • Emotional Support: Some people find comfort in using stones like rose quartz to promote self-love and positive relationships.
  • Chakra Balancing: Users of stones report improvements in their overall well-being by working with specific stones for each chakra.

The experience with stones depends on individual sensitivity. What works for one person may not have an effect on another. It’s up to each person to make their own experience!

Some Additional Tips:

  • Pay attention to the quality of the stones; some may be counterfeit.
  • The size of the stones can influence their effectiveness (the larger they are, the more effective they may be).
  • It is essential to purify and recharge your stones regularly.
  • Learn to trust your intuition when using crystals.
  • Some crystals (clear quartz, smoky quartz) can be programmed with specific intentions, thus enhancing their energetic potential.
  • Show gratitude towards the crystals for the energy they provide by thanking them after each use.
  • While lithotherapy can offer a sense of comfort and support, it is essential to consult professionals for your health issues.
  • The more you practice lithotherapy, the more easily you will feel the energy of the stones!


Lithotherapy is experiencing a rise in popularity, attracting an increasing number of people seeking holistic approaches to enhance their well-being.

The mineral world is revealed to be diverse, fascinating, and enchanting.

Whether one adheres to its principles or remains skeptical, exploring lithotherapy offers a captivating journey into the realm of stones and the wisdom passed down by our ancestors.

Ultimately, the answer to the question “Does lithotherapy work?” may lie in individual perception and each person’s ability to find a balance between science and spirituality.

The tree of life: this mythical symbol

The tree of life is a powerful and ancient symbol, present in many cultures.

The Tree of Life is often depicted within a circle. The circle is the perfect shape that represents consciousness, as well as the unity of life, which is the cell. The circle is also the basic element of the Flower of Life.

The Tree of Life represents the continuity of evolution and the symbolic connection between all forms of creation, like a vast planetary family tree. It is protective and a provider of sustenance.

The tree of knowledge connects the underground world, represented by the roots, with the heavenly world, represented by the branches.

The tree is a symbol present in many religions, mythologies and philosophies.

According to Christianity, the tree is present in the garden of Eden, it is the symbol of eternal life and the knowledge of good and evil.

The same notion of an immortal tree is found in Islam and in Judaism. Placed in the middle of Paradise, it loses its leaves every winter and these grow back in the following spring (representation of the eternal cycle of seasons and life).

According to Buddhism, ‘Açvattha’ is a sacred fig tree: it is under this tree that Buddha meditated and acquired wisdom.

Among the Hindus, the universe takes the form of an overturned tree: it’s roots start from the sky, and its branches and leaves cover the earth. The sacred tree of Hindus is the Akshayavat, “the eternal banyan“, a remarkable example of divine power, for this tree would be indestructible. It would be located within the ramparts of Fort Allahabad, at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna River.

In Chinese mythology, ‘Kien-mou’ is the sacred tree that connects the nine sources (stay of the dead) to the nine heavens. Thanks to him, the sovereigns pass from heaven to earth and vice versa. They are temporary substitutes for the sun to manage life on earth.

The tree of life, a mythical symbol, is considered a lucky charm, a talisman that reminds us of where we come from and where we go (we come from Earth to rise to the Heavens).

The tree is charged with symbolism and imbued with divine essence, and with the spark of life that allows it to grow.

It is a very recurrent symbol on jewelry, and ARASIA-SHOP hangings for its spiritual aspect, but it is also because very aesthetic.

We offer many products wonderfully decorated with trees of life like draperies, pendants, etc …

Plant a tree with Arasia and Planet Urgence.

Mass-Education An Indian NGO that has planted 100,000 trees!

Mass-Education is an Indian NGO founded in 1976. Its goal is to promote education for everyone, mainly the poor rural and urban areas of Bengal.

Mass Education aims to make changes in basic, everyday life, to create opportunities for development, and to help the emergence of a conscious citizenship.

People are educated to become self-reliant in resource management.

The NGO has already built more than 60 schools with a capacity of 15,000 pupils, 6 teacher training centers, 1 orphanage and 1 nursing home.

They have set up training programs for adults (sewing, plumbing, etc.), actions to raise awareness of health, hygiene, contraception, actions to combat exclusion, demonstrations in favor of respect for Human rights and the environment.

Mass-Education is also a reforestation program with more than 100,000 trees planted since 1980, as well as an ethical tourism program that has already welcomed 300 tourists.

This year, Mass Education has planted 1000 mango trees, check out the pictures here.

You can also finance the construction of a collective latrine (starting at 350 euros), or sponsor one or several children (30 euros per month per child allow to pay for his/her education, food, school materials, etc.)

Sukumar Singh dreams of changing society with his ideas and alternative approaches. He studied history, economics, politics, as well as the social and cultural situation of India. 40 years after founding Mass-Education with a group of farmers, he is till this day dedicated body and soul to this noble cause.

Photos of Mass-Education achievements

Fair travel to India

Plant a tree for 1 euro!

The banyan trees: sacred trees

The banyan, also called pagoda fig tree, Bo tree, pipal, or ficus religiosa is a majestic tree that can reach 30 meters, and several hundred meters in circumference!

With its aerial roots descending from its bushy crown to the ground, becoming trunks, and its heart-shaped leaves, the banyan invites to meditation. In Asia, they are found everywhere: in the towns, in the middle of a road, in front of a building or in the middle of a parking lot, and are tended to by devotees who come to place some offerings or prayers.

Indeed, it is said that Buddha attained enlightenment under the shadow of a banyan tree. And the Bhagavad-Gita made it the tree of supreme knowledge.

This tree has a particular energy, the banyan trees are very often found near the temples, and can live up to 1500 years. It has the power to calm the mind, but also to take the mind very high to heaven.

In South America it is called “the tree that walks” because it seems to have enormous legs that can be compared to elephant’s that leave the “main trunk”.

Some famous banyan trees:

The most famous and most sacred is in the holy city of Bodh-Gaya, in northeastern India, where the Buddha would have attained enlightenment.

The Great Banian of Howrah, near Calcutta, India. Its diameter is over 130 meters.

Another famous Banyan is the Dodda Alada Mara in Bangalore.

The banyan is part of many Ayurvedic remedies. One uses its sap, its leaves, or its bark.

Operation 1 euro = 1 tree in Bengal!

Arasia’s reforestation

Forest Man, the man who planted a forest!

Majuli Island is located in the Bhramaputra River in the north of India. In the 1970s it was a large shoal threatened by winds and soil erosion with a population of 150,000 inhabitants.

Jadav Payeng is an incredible defender of nature. Since 1979, tree by tree, he planted, by himself an incredible forest, the Molai forest, with the aim of saving his island treatened by erosion.

Today, the Molai Forest makes up to more than 550 hectares. It has become dense and rich, and is home to many animal and plant, many of which are endangered: elephants, Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinoceros, vultures …

The Molai forest was planted by a single man, now dubbed “Forest Man”, he planted his forest without tools or without any help but simply with his two bare hands.

Jadav Payeng devoted his life to planting this forest, this man is a true nature lover, humble and passionate, who shows us that with will anything is possible.

His fight is far from over. As he himself says: “it will never be. The biggest threat I face is not from nature but from my people. Man has a vocation to destroy everything, when it should be the opposite. I will fight to the end to make it happen. “

What if we took this as an example and each of us take action on their own scale? The whole world would be transformed.

Arasia offers you the opportunity to plant trees by participating in the operation 1 euro = 1 tree.

Click here to plant a tree!

Learn more about reforestation projects sponsored by Arasia here.

The五行Wǔ Xíng or the Five elements

The wuxing are in China, the five (wu) elements (xing) : an extensive classification system which determines all the elements and phenomena both at a cosmic level than at a human level.

The Five elements (or phases or movements) – along with the fundamental concept of yin and yang and the active principle Qi –make up the core of the traditional Chinese philosophy.

To each of those elements is associated a color, a music note, an organ, a cardinal point, a season, an emotion, etc.

The conceptual scheme of the five elements attempts to give a deep spiritual meaning of the world’s mechanisms and the cycles of life and of the universe. Every existing thing is subjected to the cycles of life and the universe’s and cycles of life and destruction.

THE YANG CYCLE (Generating / Creation):

Wood feeds Fire, Fire feeds Earth, Earth generates Metal, Metal creates Water, Water creates Wood.

THE YIN CYCLE (domination / destruction) :

The Wood chokes the Earth, The Earth dries the Water, The Water extinguishes the Fire, The Fire melts the Metal, The Metal slices the Wood.

The Five elements have a certain order. First come the Metal (jin), then the Wood (mu), then the Water (shui), then the Fire (huo) then the Earth (tu).

Those 5 elements interact, complete each other and exist simultaneously together within the cycles of destruction and creation.

The wuxing are defined as raw natural material, each with their own intrinsic dynamic playing a part in the grand scheme of things.

Thus, it is in the Water’s intrinsic nature to flow (downwards) and to wet. It the Fire’s intrinsic nature to rise (upwards) and to burn, the Wood can lie flat or stand tall, the Metal is docile and takes any form its given, the Earth’s primary essence is to be suitable for cultivation and harvesting.

The Chinese theory of the five elements thus succeeded to unify a multitude of different phenomena, to establish inter-relations between them and give them a deep and meaningful meaning within the universe. The constants flows between the elements are to be equilibrated and their energies balanced to prevent any disruption.

If one element is in excess, its energy will weaken or increase excessively its opposite element. For instance, the excess of energy of the Metal will exhaustthe Wood’s energy and disproportionately raise the Water’s energy.

The right proportion of each elements is primordial to the balance of the universe and the nature’s harmony.

In the ancient art of feng shui, we optimize the wuxing to enhance the flow of chi in living spaces.

Historical facts:

It appears that the Chinese dynasties have succeeded one another following the succession of the 5 elements or phases. And, each time a new emperor acceded to the throne, heaven sends a good omen to the men.

Therefore, during the Yellow emperor ascension giant earthworms and ants appeared in the sky so the Han dynasty was associated whit the element Earth. Afterwards, the Xia dynasty was associated with the Wood, the Zhou dynasty with the Fire and so on and so forth.

What is the symbolism behind the elephant?

The Elephant is mainly known as a gigantic animal, but it is actually a pacifistic animal with a keen intellect.

Unfortunately counted nowadays as an endangered species because of poaching, deforestation and industrialization.

A distinction is to be made between the African elephant and the Asian elephant.

The Asian elephant’s height reach, in average, below 3 meters and weigh less than 3 tons. Its ears are small and its tusks are often short or even nonexistent and its trunkpossess a sole finger. The African elephant however, can be up to 3,5 meters and weigh up to 4 or 5 tons! It ears are so big that they can cool him off or frighten its opponent. Its tusk is long and hefty and its trunk possess two fingers.

The Asian elephant has been domesticated for more than 4,500 years firstly to travel or animal traction. Nowadays, the elephant is mainly seen in the tourism industry. It is the biggest land-based animal on earth.

What is the symbolism behind the elephant?

The Elephant is mainly known as agigantic animal, but it is actually a pacifistic animal with a keen intellect.

Unfortunately counted nowadays as an endangered species because of poaching, deforestation and industrialization.

A distinction is to be made between the African elephant and the Asian elephant.
The Asian elephant’s height reach, in average, below 3 meters and weigh less than 3 tons. Its ears are small and its tusks are often short or even nonexistent and its trunkpossess a sole finger. The African elephant however, can be up to 3,5 meters and weigh up to 4 or 5 tons! It ears are so big that they can cool him off or frighten its opponent. Its tusk is long and hefty and its trunk possess two fingers.

The Asian elephant has been domesticated for more than 4,500 years firstly to travel or animal traction. Nowadays, the elephant is mainly seen in the tourism industry. It is the biggest land-based animal on earth.

The symbolism behind the elephant always has been “superior wisdom”. The animal is also associated with the idea of having a good memory, longevity (can reach 86 years of age !!), wealth, strength and goodwill.

In India, the elephant impersonates the world’s four pillars which it carries on its back.

In Hindu philosophy, Ganesh, god of wisdom and students’ patron. The son of Shiva one of the main deity worshiped in India and the god of Cosmos.

The elephant is also often found in religious ceremonies where it occupies a special place.

You will find on Arasia’s blog numerous articles about elephants, drapery, statues, ornamentation etc., right here !

Reforestation in Sumatra

Glances, expressions, gestures … The behavior of the last great ape in Asia could not be more disturbing … In Malay , orangutan means “man of the forest” the beast shares 96.4% of its DNA with humans.

Yet, massive deforestation is currently taking place in these paradise islands of Borneo and Sumatra, mainly to plant oil palm tree – palm oil is produced at very low prices and is increasingly used in the food, cosmetics and chemical industries, and for the manufacture of biofuels.

Highly dependent on forests, not only orangutans are endangered: the forests’extraordinary biodiversity as well. Indonesia knows the world’s fastest deforestation (the equivalent of a football field every 10 seconds).

Forest destruction threatens the balance of our planet.

Arasia, in partnership with Sumatran Orangoutan Society, attempts to raise awareness on this issue, and sells a range of T-shirts and tank tops directly supporting this cause.

Achievement in Indonesia!

Take action!

Arasia also sponsored the planting of 800 trees in the park of GunungLeuser in Sumatra.

The significance of the lotus

The lotus is an aquatic plant with blue, pink, purple or white flowers that is similar to the water lily.

Emerging from the mud, it rises towards the light and thus represents elevation and spiritual realization.


The lotus (padma in Sanskrit) is the sacred flower of Buddhism and Hinduism and its symbolism is rich and powerful.

According to Buddhist tradition, when the Buddha walked, lotus flowers bloomed…

Brahma, the creator God of the Hindus is said to have been born in a lotus. This flower is the symbol of the origin of the manifestation of life.

It also often serves as a throne for the deities.

In India

A symbol of beauty, purity and elegance, it is also the national flower of India.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, is an architectural curiosity in the shape of a lotus flower about to bloom. It aims to be universal and open to all religions. No particular ritual is performed there, but people simply come to meditate in silence and with an open heart.


In yoga, the lotus posture (padmasana) is a symbol of meditation and awakening. Like a lotus, a novice person is mired in the materiality of the world. But as she progresses in yoga, she has the opportunity to open up beautifully.

In this posture, the arrangement of the arms and legs evokes the petals of a lotus. This position calms the mind and awakens the divine energy that lies dormant within us.

Lotus mudra

The lotus mudra, to be done at the heart level, is excellent for helping us feel the warmth of existence. This mudra called the lotus flower opens our heart to universal love.

The lotus symbolizes the heart where the divine sits, as well as the chakras, which are also called the lotuses, or the wheels. The wheel is a stylized lotus, where everything starts from the center and returns to the center.

Arasia Shop offers you natural white lotus incense

And the mandala or lotus flower puzzle

And many other products on the theme of the lotus…

A tree is worth more than its wood

A tree is a treasure that provides shading, moisture, fruits and fresh air.
A tree is a home to birds, insects and monkeys, the forests are the lungs of the earth.

In yoga, tree posture is excellent to soothe, harmonize and balance the body and mind.

Unfortunately deforestation is raging all around the globe…
Wild animals flee at the sound of chainsaws which destroys the ecosystems and replacing them with monocultures that deprive people of their traditional natural resources.
A destroyed forest can no longer regulate drought and moisture, and tree roots can no longer hold the soil during storms, landslides, and climate change …
We shall remain positive anyway and plant trees!

More and more activities are carried out locally and globally to fight against environmental destruction.

Every single one of us can act at their own scale and broadcast the message.

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