The Inner Smile

Originally an ancient Taoist healing method, the inner smile is an extremely powerful meditation ritual that begins at the level of the eyes to go into all the organs of the body. The Taoists have been using the power of the inner smile for 2500 years.

It can also be seen as a broader concept designating a smiling and positive attitude towards every person and every event in life.

A relaxed smile, inside ourselves, can dispel the fears, tensions and negative emotions of life.

Scientists have shown that the smile releases chemical substances in the brain (serotonin, dopamine and endorphins) that instantly cause well-being.

There is a Chinese saying that says that a smile makes the face breathe.

Smiling is also the opening of the heart, a voluntary action that has the effect of feeling happiness in oneself.

But how to practice the inner smile?

It can be practiced at any time, and the more you practice it, the more it will become natural, as a way of being in the world.

You can close your eyes, but it’s not mandatory. Think of your safe place, become aware of your breathing and the present moment … you are alive, you are happy!

Imagine the corners of your lips which rise slightly. Observe this smile, let the joy invade and spread around you …

You can also visualize someone you love who smiles at you and you smile back.

By smiling at yourself, others and the world, you send out waves of positive energy.

“Joy engenders a smile,

And the smile engenders relaxation, calm and joy.

To smile, I do not expect to feel joy;

The feeling of joy can very well be born later.

Being alone in my room, I sometimes smile at myself.

I do it out of kindness to myself, to take care of myself, to give myself love.

I know that if I do not take care of myself, I cannot take care of others. “

_ Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk for peace

Other quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh

The teachings of Buddhism

“My mind is either my worst enemy or my best friend”

Take control of your mind by meditating to deprogram yourself.

Get rid of negativity in the form of anxiety, discomfiture, greed, hatred, ignorance, fear, or anger by familiarizing yourself with positive states of mind: contentment, patience, kindness and wisdom.

Stay calm and accept the events that you have no control of, and eventually you will be in harmony with the universe.

A fundamental concept that teaches Buddhism is the impermanence of all things and itt is therefore important to not get too attached to anyone or anything

“Do not want what you already have! “

Know yourself more through the spiritual development and you can look inside you and know who you really are.

“He who is a master of himself is greater than he who masters the world. “

More information, and Buda statues for sale on my webshop Arasia.

The Happy Buddha, buddha of prosperity

The Buddha of prosperity or the Happy Buddha is not to be confused with Siddhartha Gautama, who is also called the Thai Buddha or the historical Buddha!

Its origin dates back to the tenth century in China , during the Liang dynasty where a Buddhist monk named Budai (pronounced boudaye ) was appointed as an incarnation of Maitreya , the Buddha of the future.

Budai was paunchy, jovial, kind and generous. He is often depicted with a bag of valuables or with a jar full of wine!

Nowadays it is found in almost all Oriental homes, and it is considered a lucky charm, both material and spiritual prosperity. It is said that rubbing his belly brings richness and fulfillment.

His blessed nature, pudgy physique and his eternal smile has made him the quintessential god of abundance and happiness!

The Buddha of prosperity in hand-carved wood by Balinese artisans is available at Arasia.

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