Flower of Life

What is the Flower of Life?

The flower of life is the graphic expression of a concentration of physical laws but also of metaphysical laws.
This mandala, geometric, sacred and harmonious pattern, leads us to a reflection on the logical construction of our universe and on the interdependence of all things.
It is sacred, venerated, respected by all the traditions of the world, and its symbolic energy is powerful.
It generates a beautiful and stable shape wave. A wave of life and positive expansion that harmonizes thoughts, the environment and energizes water and food! Its regenerating vibratory power is extraordinary.

People have pondered this

Nassim Haramein is an internationally recognized physicist and cosmologist. He discovers for the first time at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt the 2D representation of the flower of life. He will later discover another representation of it in Beijing in China, in the forbidden city, another sacred site. A 3D sphere, located under the paw of the “Fu-Dog”, the “Guardian Lion” considered as the guardian of knowledge.
Leonardo da Vinci, mathematician, studies the shape of the flower of life and its mathematical properties.
It was also made popular by Drunvalo Melchizedek through his two books on “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. In it, he recounts in detail the techniques necessary to create the energy field of the evolved man.

You can download this flower of life, to print it and use it in your environment, to purify your water, your minerals, your plants, to slip under your pillow, etc…

A universal symbolic power

The flower of life has been found in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, England, Israel, India, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Switzerland..

It contains many mathematical or symbolic representations:

The 5 Platonic solids representing the 5 elements,
Metatron’s Cube
The 7 planets (the center: the Earth + the 6 centers of the second level of circles, which form the seed of life),
The 12 signs of the zodiac (the 12 centers of the 3rd level of circles),
and some of its secrets have so far remained unrevealed.

Due to its many properties, the flower of life naturally releases very powerful vibrational waves. It can be used to energize water, food, and to purify and recharge minerals.

It is also an ideal medium for meditation, because the more we contemplate it, the more our mind can grasp the mystery of divine design.

See the flower of life items and jewelry in your Arasia store

The tree of life, a mythical symbol

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