Already 2188 trees have been planted by Arasia and its customers!
You too can participate in our action 1 euro = 1 tree
The earth tells us THANK YOU!
It was in 2007, while flying upon Indonesia by plane, that I really realized the extent of the phenomenon of deforestation ...
I wanted to act at my level and I contacted associations to set up actions and replant trees:
---- >>>> In 2010 ARASIA led an action with the Sumatra Orangutan Society (SOS) to plant 800 trees in the damaged habitat of the Sumatran orangutans. More information..
--- >>>> In 2015 we sponsored the planting of 336 trees in partnership with Reforest'action, including 300 in India and 36 in Haiti.
---- >>>> In 2016, ARASIA launches a new partnership with Mass-Education to plant trees in the Sundarbans, at the feet of the Himalayas : 407 trees planted in 2016, 65 trees in 2017, 60 trees in 2018, 80 trees in 2019, and 112 trees in 2020. This action contributes to the protection of the Royal Bengal Tiger, a species unfortunately threatened with extinction.
--- >>>> In 2022 ARASIA sponsored the planting of 220 trees in partnership with Planète Urgence in Peru.
--- >>>> In 2024 ARASIA sponsored the planting of 108 trees in partnership with Planète Urgence in Peru.
"Planting a tree is a strong and concrete act for the protection of the environment."
"We have only one planet, it is our future and that of our children."
Use Ecosia as a search engine and plant trees by searching the Internet!